KSh 2,200.00
A smooth, medium roasted blend with a delicious almond flavour.
KSh 2,600.00
A smooth, medium roasted blend with a delicious almond flavour.
KSh 2,600.00
A balanced coffee with hints of ginger and spice, reminiscent of gingerbread. Mug (230ml).
KSh 4,500.00
KSh 2,600.00
Cereal & Biscuity Limited edition
KSh 2,100.00
Limited Edition Fruity, Floral, Cereal
KSh 2,100.00
Cereal & Biscuity
KSh 10,900.00
Enjoy your coffee on-the-go
KSh 9,500.00
Enjoy your coffee on-the-go
KSh 8,500.00
Enjoy your coffee on-the-go
KSh 2,200.00
A medium roasted blend with notes of toasted sesame.
KSh 2,600.00
A medium roasted blend with notes of toasted sesame.
KSh 2,200.00
A delicious sweet pumpkin flavour
KSh 2,600.00
Almond & Vanilla Limited Edition
KSh 8,500.00
Enjoy your coffee on-the-go
KSh 2,500.00
Toasted cereal and woody